PMO Bussiness Meetings
Score Business Classes & (DBS traing comeing soon ?)
...Saturdays? 7th floor at the Main Library; under The Tile College teacher the Jackal other class availability
See below
Quality Education at Riverwalk near picnic tables; under Star Quality EEEnterprise; at cost.
Please contact Sweet J.-jacquelynbarker1@gmail.com to sign up
Liberal Arts classes; including craft?, singing lessens, physical ed., physical therapy, &
other type of training, storytime, college advise, readings, horoscope & tarot reading by Statue Stanley coming soon?!!!
Thursday-Sundays 6 to 9 pm
Programs for kids & adults
Delevoe Park 8-2 inside computer room each course $75... with video $125...
Please tip $30... Luka make all payments to Jacquelyn Barker usually sitting to the 1st
computer on your right
Click Explorer type in Universal Class (Click) your course takes notes or write statement
hand in to Jacqueline
Thursday Night Course?!!! send your email address for courses by Gmail & other locations
LIncoln Park?, Sunland Park?
Please join Broward Educator & have your courses at Parks; under Quality Education-home School(s). Please have your workshops & Projects at the Urban League
(Star Quality...) Enterprise, Event Connection, Entertainment Star Quality Corporation=ArtWorks
The Young at he(art) Program ($21,456,197,334,880,000X21 Billion x 21 Million +20 Billion X 20 MillionX365X12X52X3X800,000X40…);-Course($75,368, 582,004,640, 000X21 Billion x 41 Million +20 Billion X 40 MillionX365X12X52X3X800,000X40…;) -Class ($678,317,238,059,760,000X21 Billion x 21 Million +20 Billion X 20 MillionX365X12X52X3X800,000X40…)-Training ($20, 349,517,141,772,800,000 21X40... Billion x 21 Million +20 Billion X 20 Million X 365X12X52X3X 800,000X40…); -Lesson ($36,352,192,315,326,041,430,600,000X40...21 BillionX21 BillionX20 Million X 20 Million))- Lecture ( $329,852,530,980,791,437,592,200,000X40...-21 BillionX21 BillionX20 Million X 20 Million)-Speech ($973,556,592,942,374,311,776,720,000,000X40...-21 BillionX21 BillionX20 Million X 20 Million)-Summit ($144,202,039,662,258,060,000X41 BillionX41 MilllionX365X12X52X3X800,000X40...) ; under Quality Education(Home-Based School) Therapy; under Vista ($94,607,813,800,109,556,769,460,556,576X40..21 BillionX21 BillionX20 Million X 20 Million)-Evaluation;Therapy; ($70,072,828,323,451,400,329,078,301,274X40...21 BillionX21 BillionX20 Million X 20 Million); under Vista , Consultant; $(102,184,878 ,470,254 ,200 ,987,214,903,614X40...21 BillionX21 BillionX20 Million X 20 Million under Vista; by Quality Health
Wedding ($144,202,039,662,258,060,000X41 BillionX41 MilllionX365X12X52X3X800,000X40...)Party ($498,903,26Lesson ($36,352,192,315,326,041,430,600,000-21 BillionX21 BillionX20 Million X 20 Million(6,161,469,140,000X41 BillionX41-MilllionX365X12X52X3X800,000X40... )-Concert $149,571,079,848,438,420,000X41 BillionX41 MilllionX365X12X52X3X800,000X40...)-Wedding ($144,202,039,662,258,060,000X41 BillionX41 MilllionX365X12X52X3X800,000X40...), Convention ($54,977,323,396,453,162,260000X41 BillionX41 MilllionX365X12X52X3X 800,000X 40...) - =Celebrations=($1,099,575,769,935,978,125,308,000,000X41 BillionX41 MilllionX365X12X52X3X800,000X40...+)
Program $6,114,855,142,721,840,000X21 Billion x 21 Million +20 Billion X 20 MillionX365X12X52X3X800,000X40-Meeting$16,493,197,089,059,486,780,000X41 BillionX41 MilllionX365X12X52X3X800,000X40..., Conference $4,949,581,248,058,460,340,000X41 BillionX41 MilllionX365X12X52X3X800,000X40...Q(CW)-Workshop ($1,834,456,542,816,520,000X41 BillionX41 MillionX365X12X52X3X800,000X40...)-QCS-Project ($1,834,456,542,816,520,000X41 BillionX41 MillionX365X12X52X3X800,000X40...)-Seminar ($55,433,696,284,496,560,000X41 BillionX41 MilllionX365X12X52X3X800,000X40...,)=Orientation ($1,663,010,888,755,348,978,000X41 BillionX41 MilllionX365X12X52X3X800,000X40...), Forum ($131,839,743,844,201,381,020,000X41 BillionX41 MilllionX365X12X52X3X800,000X40...) ;=Business Expo ($144,202,039,662,258,060,000X41 BillionX41 MilllionX365X12X52X3X800,000X40...)
DBS: Session are 14 billion every 2 minutes; under the Jackal's National Affiliate Service & $14 billion per second ; under the Jackals Affiliate Services + CCA honorary cost ($2 BillionX7X65X12X52. and $2 MillionX7X65X12X52, 66,000X12X365X565X52X18,000X12X365X65X52...) per person/per time